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  2010 Nebraska 4D Finals Winner

Open Target Winner

June Holeman & Sparky Impression

Youth Target Winner

Brooke Becker & Bees Cash

October 1-3, 2010
Custer County Fairgrounds
Indoor Arena
Broken Bow, Nebraska
Warm-Up 4D Race
7:00 p.m.
Friday, October 1, 2010
 * 7:00 pm CDT 
 * NE 4D/NBHA NE04 Co-Approved 
  * No pre-entry required
  * Arena Open for Riding
     NO BARRELS until 5:00 pm
  * Exhibitions 5:00 - 6:45 pm
  * Gift Certificates to fast time of each drag
  * Contact: Marlene McGaughey 308-872-6998
     or Cristi Gaffne 308-538-257
Nebraska 4D Finals
Pre-entry deadline is September 20th!!
Late Entries are CASH only and run
at  the top of the draw
Minimum of $2000 added/day in the Open
$100 added/day in the Youth
Awards to the top 10 average winners
of each division
Saturday, October 2, 2010
 * 9:00 am  Office Opens
 * 9:30-10:45  Exhibitions
 * 10:45 am  Late Entries Close (Late Entries run top of draw)
 * 11:00 am 1st Go Open 4D
1st Go Youth Run to run immediately after Open
Exhibitions for 1 hour following youth run
Arena open - NO BARRELS - the rest of the evening
Sunday, October 3. 2010
 * 9:00 a.m. Office Opens
 * 9:30-10:45 Exhibiitons
 * 10:45 am Late Entries Close (Late Entries run top of draw)
 * 11:00 am 2nd Go Open 4D - Reverse order
2nd Go Youth - Reverse order
** Awards Ceremony for Average ** Winners 10 minutes following Youth Run

If you can not stay for awards,
please have someone pick up you
award for you

Amelia Petska & Webster County Wranglers 4H Club
Beth Baxter & Marci Bartlett
Branda Marsh * Cristi Copsey-Gaffney
Darlene Ungles * Deb Beede *
Deb Christy * Dianne Young
Jeanne Mueller * Jodee Burnham
Marlene McGaughey * Martee Pruitt
Mary McQuade & Mane Ole 4H Club
Michelle Stobbe * Pam Schaaf
Robin Bennett * Rosemary Johns
Teresa Reineke * Jackie Lurz
Valentine High School Rodeo Club
To qualify for the finals you must have purchased your membership and competed at 1 approved jackpot on or before 10-1-2010.

Youth Riders - To be eligible to participate in the youth you must be 13 or under.  To be eligible as a Youth at the finals you must be 13 or under as of the Finals, purchased a membership and compete in 1 approved jackpot on or before October 1, 2010.

  2008 Finals Results 2009 Finals Results